News & Events

21st March 2019

Rachel Ley is named Event Producer of the Year at the inaugural CN Agency Awards

Rachel Ley, managing director of The Rachel Ley Consultancy has been awarded Event Producer of the Year at the debut CN Agency Awards.

The awards, hosted by Conference News magazine at the Cafe de Paris in London, took place on Thursday 21 March, 2019.

Rachel, who beat off stiff competition in her category, won for her work on projects for clients including DHL Express and The Institute of Travel Management.

Ian Harvey-Piper, managing director, Technovation says: “Rachel operates in such a way, that no matter what project she tackles, the end result is always superb. Her ability to create excitement from nothing, the way she can motivate her team (and clients) in the most adverse situations, and her fun demeanour whilst running massive events, all add up to her being the best event producer in the business.”

The Event Producer of the Year category was created to ‘celebrate the multi-tasking genius of an agency event producer who is capable of juggling technical duties with creative flair to deliver all aspects of an event from conception to execution.’

Neil Foster, creative producer at Voytek says: “Having worked with Rachel for over a decade, it’s clear that for each event she produces, the bar is raised. She is not content to churn out the same old thing every year, and as a result, we always feel like we are part of something inventive and new. Clients come back to Rachel (especially DHL & ITM) because they know she has a creative tenacity that they would not find anywhere else.”

To speak with The Rachel Ley Consultancy about your next event, call 01420 593610 or email

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